The Big Draw at BLetchley PArk 27th - 29th October 2016
Bletchley Park is one of those places that, whilst you know of it's historical importance in an almost mythical fashion, you won't believe it's real until you see it. When you do see it, it's difficult to believe that the western world might not be the same place had it not been for the crucial work which took place in Its grounds, just seventy years ago.
We are absolutely delighted that Bletchley Park with so dedicated a staff will be seeing out the The Big Draw Festival month. The context couldn't be more apt; translation of communication from language into code, which is essentially mark making, bringing us back to an original form of visual literacy.
This weekend at Bletchley is set to play host to many half-term friendly activities for kids of all ages, including a family art trail, features by local artists, an embossing and printmaking workshop as well as the usual park activity.
We look forward to seeing you, come draw with us!
For further information on the event, please click here.
For more information about Bletchley park please go here.
"I’m delighted that Bletchley Park has been asked to provide a highlight event as part of the Big Draw. This provides a great opportunity for us to showcase our unique heritage by sharing local contemporary artistic responses that we hope will be both thought provoking and fun for our visitors. I would like to invite everyone to visit us here at Bletchley Park to explore and experience the event for yourself. We hope that through drawing, visitors of all ages will discover how patterns and visualisation techniques were critical to the work of the Codebreakers during World War Two and how they in turn continue to inspire us today."
Iain Standen, CEO of Bletchley Park
Kate Mason by Marf,
'We are delighted that the final Big Draw Festival highlight event will be hosted at the historical estate of Bletchley Park; a place that signifies just how important - indeed life-saving in this instance - it is to combine creativity with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Bletchley Park is the perfect place to celebrate the finale of The Big Draw Festival, which has seen thousands of events around the world champion the essential role of arts education, especially visual literacy and drawing, alongside and within STEM subjects, as part of a broader campaign to turn STEM to STEAM.'
Kate Mason, Director of The Big Draw