The Big Draw is looking for proposals for three digital residencies to be delivered in or across May and June 2021. We are looking for challenging, engaging and intriguing works in any discipline and/or medium, both digital and physical, to respond to our 2021 Big Draw Festival theme, Make the Change. Each digital residency can have a point of real-world engagement, blending the physical and digital together, but this is not a defining element.
Residencies could take place across a more intensive week, or across a month, depending upon the proposal, time available and the artists’ approach.
These residencies are open to all artists, and The Big Draw want to encourage applications from immigrant and diaspora artists, artists who identify as LGBTQIA or as disabled in the broadest terms. This information is expanded on in much greater detail later on in the full brief.
The digital residency will look to spotlight the chosen artists’ work, feature them on The Big Draw blog, undertake an Instagram Live with The Big Draw Director and invite them to takeover The Big Draw social media channels. Work produced and any connected content will be shared online with The Big Draw audiences around the world.
New Extended Deadline for entries: 6pm, Sunday 2 May 2021
For more information and how to apply, read the full brief here. Download the whole application package (including Design Brief & Equal Opportunities form) below.

Download Digital Residencies 2021.pdf
Download Big Draw Equal Opportunities Form April 2021.zip
If you are unsure about applying, do not self-eliminate. If you feel unsure, please contact Eleanor at The Big Draw team and ask, eleanor@thebigdraw.org
This project work is funded through the Cultural Emergency Fund – Arts Council England.

Frequently Asked Questions...
"Is this residency for me?"
These residencies are open to all artists, and if you've made it this far, we encourage you to apply. Don't self eliminate! You are welcome to email Eleanor on The Big Draw team with any specific questions or concerns you might have.
"Do applicants need to be a certain age?"
Applicants must be aged 18 or over.
"I live outside of the UK. Can I apply?"
These residencies are funded by Arts Council England and we can only accept applications from those based in the UK. But don't worry, we have plans to create similar opportunities for international artists and more. Do please stay in touch with us!
"What needs to be submitted for the residency?"
You need to submit three documents for the residency, a written proposal saying what you would do for the residency, a supporting document showcasing a sample of your work to date, and a CV and brief cover letter. These documents are explained in full detail in the brief document above.
"Are there any limitations on what the £500 for project expenses can be used for?"
Expenses are at the discretion of the artist. The £500 can be used to cover materials, equipment and other project expenses which you outline in your residency proposal.
"I'm a teacher. Can my students apply for this opportunity as a class?"
These residences are designed with independent artists in mind. This time around, submission cannot be in partnership with a school or students under 18.
"I'm not sure if my work would be a good fit for The Big Draw. What are you looking for?"
The brief is deliberately open and flexible! We really want to know what might be possible with the budget and creative freedom we are trying to offer, and this includes new and exciting work we may not know anything about.
"I would really like to apply for this residency and use the funding to work with a group of artists. Is this possible?"
Proposals can be submitted from a collective, or group of artists, with one member submitting on behalf of the group. The Big Draw would not oversee how the money would be divided. This would be coordinated by the lead applicant.
"It is difficult for me to complete a written application. Is there an alternative?"
We want this process to be as accessible as possible and offer the most appropriate alternative. Please email Eleanor, as detailed in the brief, and we will discuss this with you further.
Still have more questions?
Get in touch! Email Eleanor: eleanor@thebigdraw.org

About 'Make the Change'
The 2021 Big Draw Festival theme, Make the Change, is a timely call to action, exploring ways to live in balance with the world around us, to reconnect with each other and create a better world for future generations.
Against the flux and events of last year we have all shared our collective experience of what it means to be human, with all its commonality, vast differences and diversity.
The strange melting-pot of extraordinary events that made up 2020 presented a moment to collect our thoughts, to scrutinise, re-evaluate and challenge the status quo. Reflection has amplified understanding of the critical need for a happier, more balanced way of living. One in which humans choose to live sustainably as a key component to counter the environmental crisis – where what we eat, what materials we use, how we build, what energies and fuels we develop, all actively support a positive change for good.
Sustainable and successful living is equally about how we interact with the world around us; it’s about kindness shown to nature and our natural world but also kindness shown to each other. It feels as though we are at a major crossroads in the development of our society and we have a responsibility to those who come after us to make the right choices around core-values, need, equality and leadership.
Find out more here.

About The Big Draw
Founded in 2000 by the Guild of St George, The Big Draw is a pioneering visual literacy charity dedicated to raising the profile of drawing as a tool for wellbeing, thought, creativity, social and cultural engagement. The charity leads a diverse programme of advocacy, empowerment and engagement, and is the founder and driving force behind The Big Draw Festival – the world’s biggest celebration of drawing.
The Big Draw manages collaborative research projects, campaigns and educational conferences on visual literacy, digital technology and STEAM. We believe drawing is an essential human skill important in all walks of life, and our work has won support from leading practitioners within the arts, sciences and education. Take a look at some of our campaign videos here. With educational policies increasingly de-valuing the role of creative subjects and careers in our society and economy, The Big Draw strives to ensure access for all to creative events, training and resources.
Find out more here.